In addition to the more polished script, Harmon also shed some more light on what his intentions are for the “Community” movie, saying, “It’s designed absolutely backwards from the goal of letting everybody, new and old fans, just feel like things are complete.” He also threw in a mention of a possible reboot of the series if audiences like the movie enough, although it’s clear from his tone that fans definitely shouldn’t expect a series reboot or recontinuation any time soon.
This update helps to reaffirm Harmon’s earlier statements that the “Community” movie won’t just be about cheap fan service. In previous interviews and press conferences, he’s confirmed that it won’t be centered around a paintball fight, as many fans have speculated, nor will it play out like the show’s many extended film homages over the years. He’s also announced that he hired Andrew Guest as a co-writer, the guy responsible for penning beloved episodes like “Advanced Dungeons & Dragons,” “A Fistful of Paintballs,” and “Messianic Myths and Ancient Peoples.” In other words, the movie will probably be more about capturing the tone of season 2 than season 6.
So although the wait for the “Community” movie might be longer than we’d have preferred, fans can at least take solace in the fact that things look promising so far. “We’ve come upon the right story in the right format of the movie,” Harmon said. “It’s going to be great. It’s going to be something to be really proud of.”