Even though the “It’s Always Sunny” creators have an idea of how the series will end, there’s no telling if season 18 will be the last one. One thing is certain — the series creators and their fellow main cast members, Kaitlin Olson and Danny DeVito, have a lot of fun working together.
“It’s the perfect job,” Olson added. “We have amazing writers, and I still get to add to the creativity of my character.” Olson met and married McElhenney while working on the show, and the couple have since had two children. “I’m just enjoying it while it lasts,” she says, “While we’re shooting, it’s strenuous 12- to 14-hour days, but give me a break, it’s 2 and a half months of the year. Anyone can handle that.”
Network television has taken some hits in the shift to streaming, and it’s harder and harder for shows to stay on the air longer than a few seasons. But these comedians won’t let FX’s budget cuts get in the way of making the series. “As long as it’s still fun and still funny to us, we’ll keep doing it,” McElhenney went on. “Even if the network doesn’t want to.” The showrunner seems to suggest that they would shop the show around at other networks or streamers, or perhaps even fund it independently. However, Day isn’t so sure. “I think we’ll stop when FX runs out of money,” he interjected.